planeta disney
show & promo pack


Produced for Disney Channel Latam
/ Client: Disney Channel Latam
This project was particularly different cause our friends at Disney wanted to create an original showpack slipping out from the channel's usual graphics. So, no castles, no magic wands, no tinker bells, but of course we need to say Disney Channel Planet. We created a playful planet where fun and action happened, showcasing different channel shows, words like musical, pop, dance, films, games and more, where the basis of our design. It was mostly designed for teenagers and the goal of this pack was to generate a customizable platform so as to sell original Disney contents for other channels along the globe. This project allows the client to customize the content of all the plasma screens showing different stuff every month. Disney for everyone!


  • Original idea & Concept

    Hippie House

    Art & Creative direction

    Ignacio Sandoval

    3D Design & Animator

    Ezequiel Pini
  • 3D Lightning & Rendering

    Ezequiel Pini

    3D Modeling

    Maria Laura Diaz Ignacio Sandoval Ezequiel Pini

    Logo Designer

    Chris O´Farrell
  • 3D Assistants

    Martiniano Cornejo Nicolas Piccirilli

    Compositors, VFX & 2D Animation

    Ignacio Sandoval Chris O´ Farrell
  • Sound Design & Footage provided by Disney Channel Latam


Hippie House Studio Hippie House Studio Hippie House Studio Hippie House Studio Hippie House Studio Hippie House Studio Hippie House Studio Hippie House Studio

Footage integration

Hippie House Studio Hippie House Studio

Endpage - Transition - Lowerthird

Hippie House Studio Hippie House Studio Hippie House Studio
All rights reserved © Hippie House